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Thank you very much. - Gary F.
Thanks much! I have been trying for some time and my efforts are now rewarded. A great Christmas gift from you. Thanks again! - Hugh L.
WOW! I have been playing,religiously, and now I can say that this is really REAL! Thank you for my Starbucks prize. I love Starbucks and I love playing Super Sweepstakes. Thanks again, Sandra L Gordon - Sandra L.
$10 Starbucks Gift Card
Terry Marvel
$10.00 Gift Card
Catherine Shipman
OMG! Thank you so much! I have wanted one of these and now I will have one! - Sandra K.
some times you wonder if prizes are really awarded? This win says they are awarded!!!! Thank You Bob - Robert K.
Thank you all so much I appreciate and enjoy playing prize grab. - Denise S.
My first win! Thank you! - Nikki R.
I would've never thought I'd win !! But thank you guys !! - Bria P.
This is such an awesome and unexpected win!!!! I am a past winner and this prize is such a Godsend. Thank you one and all at Merry Christmas to all of you and I will keep playing!!! Kathy Ann Chernovetz - Kathy C.
YES I Won thank you from Richard A Dube - Richard D.
thank you for the prize! - Praveen K.
Thank you, prize grab. I'm very happy and excited for my prize. Can't wait to tell my friends via face book so they can participate and play to win! I will still keep playing because I enjoy winning and the selected items are very good prize choices. Great popups on site as well. - Curtis L.