
PrizeGrab has guaranteed winners every day, check out recently featured winners!
WOW!!!! 1st time winner. Fantastic!!! - Joseph F.
Thank you, very much for helping us to get prizes. - Angie B.
Thank you so much I love interning for the prize I hope to win for the big one's thank again I will take my grand kids out with this just lunch . - Magdalena C.
Thanks so much Prize Grab, I have never won anything in my life! This is so great!!!!!! - Connie S.
I am so excited that I won , I want to thank you For having this game. Jacqueline Thompson - Jacqueline T.
I dont usually win anything so this is great! Thanks - Marcy G.
thanks very much I happy to win have a great day! - Dawn B.
$10.00 Gift Card
Henry Washburn
Thank you. It's first time that I"ve won - James S.
I was so shocked! i have never won anything before. I guess this will be one of my birthday presents ,since i will be 62 on January 26. thanks so much!! Deborah Miller - Deborah M.
Thank you - Ron D.
Thanks so much! I never win anything so this was a complete shock. You guys just made my day. - Malissa E.
After thousands of entries I'm surprised that I won any prize. - Neal D.
Yay I finally won something. Really appreciate the opporrtunity. - Leon D.
Thank you, so incredibly much! We're thrilled! We appreciate the work you put into the site and the great care you give your fans. We appreciate the generosity of your sponsors and yourselves. Thank you for the many opportunities to win such fabulous prized! Kat and family. - Kat M.
What a wonderful surprise!!!! - Brenda G.