
PrizeGrab has guaranteed winners every day, check out recently featured winners!
Thank you Prizegrab!! It's a dream come true. This couldn't have come at a more opportune time for me as I have been going through a financial hard time due to some health problems. Thanks again. - Steve A.
Thank you so much. Loved seeing my name as a winner. Hope to experience that joy again soon. - Meg T.
I can't believe I finally won ! I never win any and I put a lot of time into trying!!! Thank you!!!' - Josette P.
Thank you so much did I win this prize again - Jacqueline A.
$10.00 Gift Card
Carroll Bracewell
I am so proud of Prizegrab that you are trustworthy, thank you for renewing my faith in humanity. - Constance M.
Thank you so much!! I usually don't win anything so this is a nice surprise. Thanks again. Barbara - Barbara S.
Thank you so much, first time I have won. I have shared with all my friends and coworkers. - Elizabeth T.
This was my fisrt time ever doing orize grab and wss the live session on Facebook. I have never won anything before and really hoping to win one of the contests especially for the honeymoon getaway. Been married 20 years and never had a honeymoon because our children we sould never leave for any length of time. I am great full and surprised bt this win but hoping to receive an email with a bigger prize so i can write on my blog the experience as i willnalso write with rhis win even small prize t - Kristy M.
Thanks first time I won hope I will enjoy this prize .... money money I need to pay off bills for my dad. Love your show..Have an blessed day.. Thanks.. - Tommyetta S.
$100 cash
Tawanna Tillman
Thanks so much! - Jeff M.
Winning this gift card shows me that I can win playing prize grab. So I am going to keep playing and maybe I will win again. - Clara G.
Thank you! - Georgette T.