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Thank you - Lauren M.
Thank you, I had almost given up on winning anything. This is awesome. - Gary L.
Wow we love you guys and what-ever. - Philip R.
I have been playing Sweepstakes for years. This is the first Sweepstake I ever won. Thank you very much. - Kevin R.
$10.00 Gift Card
Frank Lennartz
This is the fist time EVER that I won anything. Thanks for all the great prizes you guys give away. - Connie C.
I will enjoy using the gift card at Starbucks - Martin C.
Thank you PrizeGrab! - Brad M.
Thank you so much! I don't win very often and this is nice. - William H.
thank you very much . I really enjoy playing - Gregory P.
I am so surprised I never thought I had a chance to win .. I am so happy !! thanks so much to all the people at " " - Susan P.
Yay!! I am so excited!! I love entering all your contests. Thank you so much!! - Sharon V.
Thx I really like starbucks - Parks N.
I knew that if I kept entering I would win something eventually. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. - James L.
Thank you for this prize that is greatly appreciated. - Jill R.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You are incredible. Much needed and appreciated. - Joyce S.
Thank you, PrizeGrab! After so long, I'm finally going to see my name in the winner's announcement! What a great surprise! - Rebecca M.
Thank you Prize Grab team and Amazon! - Carol G.