
PrizeGrab has guaranteed winners every day, check out recently featured winners!
Thank you so much!! - Christina H.
WOW!!! I cannot believe I won again! I am planning on giving this to my Mother, as she LOVES Starbucks. Thank you once again! I am hoping to win the larer cash prizes or appliances...Thanks so much! - George K.
Thank you so very much for the win - Debra A.
you guys rule. It's nice to know you are for real. Thank you very much - Geraldine V.
0 - Choua X.
Thank you so much,I am so excited I never win anything! I am 75 years old and live on my social security and that does not go far! I have not done Christmas since I retired from my job as I do not have the money to spend! My grandchildren and great grandchildren understand! So as you can see I am just thrilled to death to receive this gift. I was so shocked when I seen my name on the screen I looked at my dog and said I be damn I won a gift card! Thank you again I do appreciate it! - Mary L.
What a nice surprise! I am a Starbucks fan so I know I will enjoy it. Thanks for being God's hand for an extra little blessing at Christmas! - Linda D.
Thanks! I'm hoping this is not the last wiinner notification I get from PrizeGrab! - Patrick W.
Thank you guys. - Jimmy S.
I'm quite surprised I've always entered contests and has never won. When I entered PrizeGrab I thought it to be just another gimmick especially entering day to day and seeing other names on prizes. Maybe this is the beginning of a great year(2018) to come. Thank you, Robert A. - Robert A.
Thank you so much for the giveaway opportunity. I really enjoy your live video. It was fun. I am super stoke to have won. Hope you all have a wonderful jolly Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years! Cheers!! - Hean B.
Thank you so much! I very rarely win anything so this is a treat. Merry Christmas! - Kathleen S.
Thank you all so much, and Merry Christmas! - Robert G.