
PrizeGrab has guaranteed winners every day, check out recently featured winners!
Hi Prize Grab Team-Thank you for another exciting prize! To all you other prize grabbers, hard work does pay off!! Just max ouit your entries on what you want every day and you will win too! Thanks to all-Robert White - Robert W.
Thank you very much! It's wonderful to win! - Frank A.
I just won one a few months ago and 2 years ago I win the gas cards ,Thank you 🙏🍀 - Mary P.
I love thE PrizeGrab program. I try to play everyday am disappointed when I can not. - John F.
Omg I'm so excited!! Can't wait to get back to work & show my coworkers because they always say Ms Nikki you spend too much time on prizegrab, & you haven't won anything yet. I didn't give up I still play everyday!! I'm addicted to Prizegrab😂 - Nikki M.
I was ready to give up and now I am a winner! Thanks Prize Grab. You have restored my faith in you! - Joan S.
$10.00 Gift Card
Joddie Dupuis
wonderful - Sophia W.
I think the whole Prize Grab Team work very hard to offer great prizes. - Robin P.
All those things to waive make me nervous. Hope this is the real deal. - Chris W.
Have played for a long time glad to be a winner. Thanks - Dennis T.
Wow! Thank you so much! This is my first time winning with prize grab! You can win! Just keep entering! Thanks Prize Grab! - Lisa D.
This is my first and only win after a very long time playing PrizeGrab.. - Richard G.
Sweet! I wasn't sure this was for real, now I know it is. - Kimberli A.
Thank you so much PrizeGrab. I am still in shock that I actually won something. Travis - Travis P.
This is amazing!! Thank you so much, this is greatly needed what with recently graduating college and needing to pay off my student loans. - Amberlee M.
Hello again, I sent the form a few minutes ago but somehow it does not show it as sent... Thank you again for letiing me know I won! Have a good day and I hope this time this email will leave and reach you! Gino - Gino L.
$10.00 Gift Card
Sarah Johnson
I am so excited. This is my first prize win with you and I love entering every day and will continue to do so. Thank you so much. I am so very grateful. Sonya Vitas - Sonya V.
Thank you. - Dave C.