
PrizeGrab has guaranteed winners every day, check out recently featured winners!
OMG, my heart is racing!!! I'm so excited, this is going to help me out so very much. Thanks PrizeGrab, I love this site. - Rolenda D.
Thanks for the opportunity to win Prizes. This will go towards a baby gift - Mary M.
What a surprise, I've been playing the wheel forever and this is my first win. Thank you, love Prize Grab and Amazon. - Janet C.
This is the first thing I have won from Prize Grab! Thank you! - Betty J.
Daily $10.00 Target Gift Card
Catherine Deiner
I may be sending this answer a second as I cannot find it in my Sent folder, and my excitement is overwhelming at this time. Please let me know if there is anything else I need to do. Again, thank you again so much. Sincerely, Abbie Harris - Abbie H.
I am happy I won - Tom O.
$10.00 Gift Card
Robert Harris
Thanks so much! Definitely made my day! - Amy B.
Daily $10.00 Target Gift Card
I am so excited to think that I have won a prize. I am a very regular participant and I have been for a long time. So winning is verification that it is worthwhile. Thank you. - Marlene O.
I was entering as I opened this email. Definitely motivation to keep entering! What a great surprise at the end of my work day. Thank you! - Shay W.
I was totally surprised that I won Thank Yoi - Sandra D.
Been entering since July 2016. Won an Amazon gift card on the prize wheel. This win just tells me to keep going, lots of daily entries for sure. Good luck everyone, thank you Prize Grab. You've made me a true believer! Don't give up! - Mary L.
Thank you so much! I have been entering since 2015 and began to think I would never win anything! At last I can tell people I am really a Prize Grab winner! Now I will go to work harder and try to win one of those big ones! Richard H. James - Richard J.
Thank you so much! - Rachel M.
Thank you so much for the Target Gift Card. I really enjoy my time on your site and the opportunity to enter all those prizes. It is fun and exciting to maybe one day win one of the large prizes. Thank you again, Euneva Smith - Euneva S.
Thanks!!! - Louise H.