Microsoft Surface Pro 3

Microsoft Surface Pro 3

Someone forfeited this Microsoft Surface Pro 3! That's good news for you because now enter to WIN it! Winner Guaranteed, do not miss out! No purchase necessary. Winner Guaranteed. See Official Rules.

Enter to win a Microsoft Surface Pro 3! Imagine being able to take all 1.76 pounds of this technology wherever you go!

The Microsoft Surface Pro 3 is the tablet that could replace your laptop! It has all the power and performance of a premium laptop in a thin and lightweight design! Features:

  • 64GB Hard Drive
  • Intel i3 processor
  • Intel HD Graphics 4200
  • 4GB memory
  • 12" screen
  • Leather case and detachable keyboard

Have you entered and given yourself a chance to win?? As always, PrizeGrab is 100% free and fun to play ALL the time! Enter now and you could find yourself with a Microsoft Surface Pro 3! Enter each Unclaimed Prize 7x a day EVERY day for your chance to win!!